Internet of Things (IoT)
Internet of Things (IoT):
In this system, there is no need for human intervention. Each and every system is under the control of devices connected around it.
It is a system of mechanical and digital machines which are provided with UIDs in order to transfer the data over a wide variety of networks.
Ring, The Ring video doorbell, mounted next to the front door of a house.
- It actually involves Machine learning with real-time analytics.
- Traditional fields of wireless sensor networks, embedded systems, automation, control systems, and all other contributors for enabling the Internet of Things.
Examples that can come under the Internet of Things include thermostats, security systems, cars, alarm clocks, electronic appliances, lights in commercial and household environments, vending machines, speaker systems, and more.
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Applications of IoT:
- Commercial applications like medical and
health care, building and home automation,
transportation, etc.
- Industrial applications like manufacturing and
- Infrastructure applications like environmental monitoring, energy management, etc. Military applications like Ocean of things, Internet of battlefield things, etc.
What is Internet of Things(IoT) in Tamil? | History & Industrial Revolut...
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