Comparators - uses - application - classification

Comparators - uses - application - classification

Definition of a Comparator 

A comparator is an instrument used in metrology to compare the size of one object to another. It is widely employed in production and inspection to guarantee that finished goods are of high quality and conform to industry standards.

In metrology, we use a wide variety of comparators, such as:

The most basic comparators are those that use mechanical means to compare an object’s dimensions to a standard. Dial indicators, plug gauges, snap gauges, and bore gauges are all types of measuring instruments.

Comparators can give precision measurements, with consistent accuracy by eliminating human error. They are employed to find out, by how much the dimensions of the given component differ from that of a known datum. If the indicated difference is small, a suitable magnification device is selected to obtain the desired accuracy of measurements. It is an indirect type of instrument and used for linear measurement. If the dimension measured, is lesser or greater than the standard, then the difference will be shown on the dial. It gives only the difference between actual and standard dimension of the workpiece. To compare the height of the job H2 with the standard job of height H1.

Characteristics of Good Comparators:

1. It should be compact.

2. It should be easy to handle.

3. It should give quick response or quick result.

4. It should be reliable, while in use.

5. There should be no effects of environment on the comparator.

6. Its weight must be less.

7. It must be cheaper.

8. It must be easily available in the market.

9. It should be sensitive as per the requirement.

10. The design should be robust.

11. It should be linear in scale so that it is easy to read and get uniform response.

12. It should have less maintenance.

13. It should have hard contact point, with long life.

14. It should be free from backlash and wear.


1. Mechanical Comparator: It works on gears pinions, linkages, levers, springs etc.

2. Pneumatic Comparator: Pneumatic comparator works by using high pressure air,

valves, back pressure etc.

3. Optical Comparator: Optical comparator works by using lens, mirrors, light source etc.

4. Electrical Comparator: Works by using step up, step down transformers.

5. Electronic Comparator: It works by using amplifier, digital signal etc.

6. Combined Comparator: The combination of any two of the above types can give the best result.


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