Sine bar - types - uses and limitations - working principle of clinometer

 Sine bar - types - uses and limitations - working principle of clinometer

A sine bar is a precision measuring instrument used in machining and metrology. It consists of two parallel bars with accurately angled surfaces, typically 5°, 10°, or 15° apart. Machinists use it to measure angles with high accuracy, aiding in precise machining and inspection processes.

What is a Sine Bar?

A sine bar, augmented with slip gauge blocks, serves as a precision angular measurement tool renowned for its accuracy in assessing angles for various machining, grinding, and inspection purposes. This instrument excels in both precise angle measurement and workpiece alignment. Crafted from high-quality, corrosion-resistant steel, sine bars are specifically engineered to withstand wear and maintain accuracy during usage, making them indispensable in tasks requiring meticulous angle measurements and alignments.

Construction of Sine Bar

The sine bar is constructed with a rigid steel gauge body featuring two equally sized rollers, their axes aligned parallel to one another. The top of the steel bar runs parallel to a line connecting the roller centers, and the sine bar's length corresponds to the distance between these roller centers, with lengths precisely set at 100 mm, 200 mm, or 300 mm. Relief holes are strategically placed to reduce its weight. However, a sine bar alone cannot measure angles effectively; it is employed in conjunction with slip gauges and elevation gauges.

Surface Plate

A surface plate serves as the foundation for arranging the sine bar and associated components, ensuring a precise horizontal reference surface for the sine bar. Alignment is critical, with the top surface of the sine bar required to be parallel to the surface plate's horizontal planes.

Dial Gauge

Dial gauges are utilised to assess surface uniformity, registering zero deflections during traversal to affirm surface parallelism with its base. In the sine bar setup, dial gauges are instrumental in verifying the workpiece's upper surface alignment with the surface plate or measuring the angle of the tapered sine.

Block Gauges or Slip Gauges

Block gauges, also known as slip gauges, serve as precise standards for height and length measurements, contributing to the accuracy of sine bar setups.

Vernier Height Gauge

Vernier height gauges are deployed to determine the height of the sine bar rollers, facilitating angle measurements for larger components within the setup.

Working Principle of Sine Bar

The operation principle of a sine bar is rooted in trigonometry's fundamental principles. When one roller of the sine bar is positioned on a surface plate, and the other roller is set at the height of the slip gauge, it establishes a triangular configuration involving the sine bar, surface plate, and slip gauge. 

The hypotenuse of this triangle corresponds to the sine bar itself, created by integrating vertical slip gauges with the surface plate base. Assuming the slip gauge height is denoted as H and the sine bar length as L, the sine ratio is expressed as H divided by the angle L theta. Consequently, the angle θ can be determined by calculating the inverse sine (sin−1) of H divided by L, thus ensuring precise angular measurements.

Sine theta = H/L = BC/AB

Types of Sine Bar

Sine bars come in various types, including the simple sine bar, compound sine bar, and the universal sine bar, each offering unique capabilities for angle measurement and precision machining tasks.

The different types of sine bars are:

Sine Centre.

Sine Table.

Compound Sine Table.

1. Sine Centre

This particular sine bar is employed to gauge the angles of conical objects featuring both male and female components. However, it's worth noting that the sine center has limitations and cannot measure angles exceeding 45 degrees.

2. Sine Table

The sine table, a distinct variant of the sine bar, boasts a larger and wider design. What sets it apart is the inclusion of a locking mechanism, facilitating secure positioning and workpiece stabilisation during operations.

3. Compound Sine Table

The compound sine table comes into play to measure the angles of substantial workpieces that cannot be accommodated by a standard sine bar. It consists of two sine tables positioned at right angles to each other. These tables can be rotated as needed to obtain the desired angular measurements.

Difference between Sine Bar and Protractor

A sine bar measures angles with precision based on trigonometric principles, ensuring high accuracy. In contrast, a protractor provides angular measurements but may offer less precision and relies on a circular scale for readings.

The following table lists the difference between sine bar and protractor.


Sine Bar



Measures and sets precise angles.

Measures angles in various applications.


Comprises a rigid steel gauge body with two rollers.

Typically a flat, semi-circular or circular tool with degree markings.


Offers high precision for angular measurements.

Generally provides less precision compared to a sine bar.

Use with Components

Used in conjunction with slip gauges and elevation gauges for accuracy.

Typically used standalone for angle measurements.

Measuring Range

Limited to specific angles determined by its length.

Generally provides a full 360-degree measuring range.


Commonly used in machining for precise angle setups.

Widely used in various fields for measuring and setting angles.

Specialised Applications

Used for specialised tasks requiring exact angular measurements.

Applied in a wide range of general angle measurement scenarios.

Common Usage

Prominent in machining and engineering applications.

Commonly used in construction, carpentry, and general measurement tasks.

Advantages of Sine Bar

The advantages of using a sine bar in precision machining and metrology include:

  • High Accuracy: Sine bars provide precise angle measurements, crucial for achieving accurate machining results.
  • Repeatable: Once set, sine bars ensure consistent angle measurements and machining operations.
  • Versatility: They can measure and set various angles, making them versatile in machining tasks.
  • Simple Operation: Sine bars are relatively easy to use, requiring minimal operator skill.
  • Cost-Effective: They offer a cost-effective solution for accurate angle measurement and machining compared to more complex tools.

Limitations of Sine Bar

The drawbacks of using a Sine bar are:

  • Limited to measuring specific angles based on its length.
  • Requires additional tools like slip gauges for precise measurements.
  • May not be suitable for measuring very small or very large angles.
  • Susceptible to wear and damage, affecting accuracy.
  • Relatively complex setup compared to simple protractors.

Uses of Sine Bar

The applications of Sine bar are:

  • Precision angular measurement in machining.
  • Aligning workpieces at specific angles.
  • Verifying the flatness and parallelism of surfaces.
  • Ensuring accurate setups in manufacturing and engineering.
  • Calibration of other measuring instruments.

What is a Clinometer?

A clinometer or inclinometer  is an instrument used to measure angles of slope, elevation, or depression with respect to gravity. It’s also known as a tilt indicator, tilt sensor, tiltmeter, slope alert, slope gauge, gradient meter, gradiometer, level gauge, level meter, declinometer, and pitch & roll indicator. This type of device is used in a variety of different professions including meteorology and surveying. In this blog post we will explore how clinometers work and the various applications they can be used for. 

How does a Clinometer / inclinometer work? 

A clinometer is essentially a device that utilizes a spirit or bubble level for measuring angles of slopes or heights with respect to gravity. Depending on the model you use it may have multiple scales printed on it so that it can measure angles up to 90 degrees from the horizontal axis. The spirit level is fitted with a needle that indicates whether an angle is rising or falling relative to the horizontal axis. When the needle reaches the zero mark then this indicates that the angle relative to gravity is level or perpendicular. The other scale on the instrument measures angles in degrees from 0-90 degrees both above and below the horizontal axis which allows you to determine how steep an incline might be.  

Applications of Clinometers 

Clinometers are widely used in several different professions such as forestry and surveying because they allow you to measure height differences between two points quickly and accurately. They are also widely used in meteorology since they can help meteorologists measure wind speed and direction more accurately than other types of instruments. Additionally they are often used by builders who use them in order to set foundations properly when building structures such as houses or bridges.  

Principle of Clinometers 

Clinometers are useful tools for identifying the incline of a surface, allowing you to measure the difference between two points in the vertical plane. Clinometers consist of a sensitive vial mounted onto a rotatable disc, ranging within an extended range. This disc carries a graduated ring with its horizontal axis supported by the housing of the instrument. When placed on a flat surface, the bubble inside the vial is centred and then registered as zero on the scale. However, when placed on an inclined surface, this bubble deviates from centre and can be brought back to the centre by rotating the dial – the amount of required rotation being indicated on the scale, revealing any deviation from zero position. Clinometers thus allow you to accurately determine gradients over extended ranges.

What is a clinometer used for?

Clinometers are instruments that use the mathematical principle of trigonometry to calculate the angle between two points. Clinometers can be used to measure the heights of trees, poles, towers, and buildings. They can also be used for preliminary surveying works and to determine grades for site drainage or levelling projects. Clinometer measurements are often more accurate than using a ruler or audible distance measurement tools. Clinometers come in many shapes and sizes, from long and complex devices as found in professional surveyors to handheld instruments available on consumer markets. Clinometers play a vital role in land surveying projects as it ensures accurate results when measuring angles and distances across uneven terrain.

Disadvantages of a clinometer

Clinometers are used in many areas of industry where the need for measurement and monitoring of slopes is important. Portable inclinometers rely on the Clinometer principle to measure angle and inclination, however, it does not provide immediate results which can be a major disadvantage. When relying on a portable inclinometer, one must lower it into the borehole in order to obtain any values. For this reason, if there is a desire to maintain real-time records of slope movement then in-place inclinometers should be installed as opposed to using a portable model.


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