Torque measurement using Stroboscope Method
Torque measurement using Stroboscope Method
Principle of Stroboscope Method
When a shaft is connected between a driving engine and driven load, a twist (angular displacement) occurs on the shaft between its ends. This angle of twist is measured and calibrated in terms of torque.
Construction of Stroboscope Method
The main parts of the mechanical torsion meter are as follows:
A shaft which has two drums and two flanges mounted on its ends as shown in the diagram. One drum carries a pointer and other drum has a torque calibrated scale. A stroboscope is used to take readings on a rotating shaft.
The angular twist caused is observed on the torque calibrated scale corresponding to the position of the pointer. As the scale on the drum is rotating, reading cannot be taken directly. Hence a stroboscope is used. The stroboscope’s flashing light is made to fall on the scale and the flashing frequency is adjusted till a stationary image is obtained. Then the scale reading is noted.