Ultrasonic flow meter

 Ultrasonic flow meter

Working principle

Ultrasonic flowmeter is an instrument that measures flow by detecting the effect of fluid flow on ultrasonic beams (or ultrasonic pulses). According to the principle of signal detection, ultrasonic flowmeters can be divided into propagation velocity difference methods (direct time difference method, time difference method, phase difference method and frequency difference method), beam offset method, Doppler method, cross-correlation method, and spatial filtering method. and noise method, etc.

Ultrasonic flowmeters are the same as electromagnetic flowmeters. Because there are no obstructions in the flow channel of the instrument, they are both unobstructed flowmeters. They are a type of flowmeter suitable for solving difficult problems of flow measurement, especially in large-diameter flow measurement. The advantages.


Non-contact measurement is possible;

Measurement without flow obstruction and no pressure loss;

It can measure non-conductive liquids and is a supplement to the electromagnetic flowmeter for non-obstruction measurement.

Strap on Flow Meter


The travel time method can only be used for clean liquids and gases; while the Doppler method can only be used to measure liquids containing a certain amount of suspended particles and bubbles;

The measurement accuracy of Doppler method is not high.


The transit time method is applied to clean, single-phase liquids and gases. Typical applications include tap water, diesel, etc.

In terms of gas applications, we have good experience in the field of high-pressure natural gas;

The Doppler method is suitable for two-phase fluids with a low heterogeneous content. For example: raw sewage, factory effluents, dirty process fluids; generally not suitable for very clean liquids.

Learn more about Ultrasonic Flow Meter Technology and choose Ultrasonic Flow Meters for your applications.


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